Raising children is the biggest blessing and the most challenging thing we will ever do. Jeremy and I have done our best to instill the things we feel most important in our children. The most important thing we want our children to learn about is God's love, being a Christian, and treating others truly the way they want to be treated. We want to teach them what is fair, right , and just in the world. Yes there are so many others things we want them to keep near and dear, however, we feel if the above values are in place the rest will take care of itself.
So.......Jeremy and I have started teaching Sunday School, grades K-2. I was asked to be a lead teacher and when given the option I of course chose this age. With our class of about eight I needed a co-teacher and Jeremy stepped in. We have had two class so far and it went well. It is great to review and relearn the biblical stories that we read every Sunday as we sat in Sunday School. Yes the weekends are busy and there is not much of a break, but we wouldn't have it any other way. We have the summer for breaks:).