

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funny Conversations

Over the past two months Kennedy has grown in so many areas--socially, emotionally, and academically--(the OT is coming out:) amazing to watch! Anyways, we were at the kitchen table when her meatball fell on the floor and Sadie jumped on the chance for some dinner. Kennedy looks at us and says can "we pray for God to take the meatball out of Sadie's tummy cause I really want it back". So we prayed for meatballs to return....and didn't discuss the other way in which they return:)

The next day Jeremy was taking the kids to school and Kennedy yells at him to drive "FAST" go pass the grey is the truck that ran over Rosco", Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Doug's dog. At Halloween she was told he was sadly run over and she has not let this go. She is adament to find the "truck" that did hurt Rosco and still prays for him at night.

This little girl has one big heart and the memory of an elephant!

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