

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Going on Day Four.....

Poor Jaxon, this has been a long week for all of us. He has been fighting what seems to be a minor ear infection and a virus on top of that. Yesterday his fever reached 104.3!! The doctor mentioned he may have had the flu, but his swab came back negative and his white blood cell count was really elevated lending to the result that he has a virus. I don't know about you other momma's, but I would rather hear anything that virus because that means waiting it out. We have pieced together a crew between me, mom helping out two days (thank you're a blessing), and daddy staying home the majoirty of the day tomorrow until we can switch out again. The events of illness.......
He has been cuddly which is nice to feel so "needed.
Would you check out that face?

Breathing Treatment

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