

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bath Time is Still Fun

Bathing the two kids together makes things quick but not always so easy. Kennedy likes to "float" in the tub and then you add Jaxon to the mix which includes belly flopping, pouring water out of the tub, and antagonizing his sister.

He is really starting to push her buttons and not so discretely. He goes to give her a "love pat" (hitting, poking) and then looks rights at us. Last week I moved his car seat for a peaceful ride home. He would sit beside her and reach for her or poke her. This led to tears and Jaxon going for more. I secretly was laughing in the front seat and thinking this is only the begining. I did feel reassured and so proud when Kennedy told her Sunday School class that "Jaxon is her best friend." What a fun time!!

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